(a) 1 year after end of term for book orders and room scheduling, purge;
(b) 10 years after end of term for academic departments’ copies of syllabi, purge;
(c) 5 years after end of term for canvas.uoregon.edu course sites, purge;
(d) 5 years after end of term, unless educational need persists, for course videos uploaded to streaming platforms, including but not limited to content in Panopto, Zoom, and Stream, purge;
(e) 1 term after end of term for routine related correspondence not in Canvas, including email, unless educational need persists, purge;
(f) 5 years after end of term for all other records, including course material not uploaded to Canvas and not part of faculty’s personal copies of syllabi and teaching material, purge.
Exception: In the event of a subpoena, audit, legal hold, public records or similar state or federal information request, halt until further instructed any scheduled disposal activities, including purging or transferring material to University Archives.