(a) Undergraduate, honors or other special programs, and prebaccalaureate enrolled: 3 years after last enroll term, purge;
(b) Undergraduate, honors or other special programs, and prebaccalaureate not enrolled (including started but not submitted, incomplete, withdrawn, or denied): 3 years after application term, purge;
(c) Graduate applicants enrolled: 7 years after last enroll date, purge;
(d) Graduate applicants not enrolled (including started but not submitted, incomplete, withdrawn, or denied): 3 years after application term, purge;
(e) Law School applicants enrolled: applications for admission or readmission for matriculants (including visiting students), character and fitness disclosures, LSAT test scores, handwriting sample, retain in perpetuity; all other material, 3 years after last enroll term, purge.
(f) Law School applicants not enrolled (including started but not submitted, incomplete, withdrawn, or denied): 3 years after application term, purge.
Exception: In the event of a subpoena, audit, legal hold, public records or similar state or federal information request, halt until further instructed any scheduled disposal activities, including purging or transferring material to University Archives.