RRS_Series: Employment

V.10. HUMAN RESOURCES/Employee Records
Series Name
Series ID

Document the lifecycle of an individual's employment by the University of Oregon from selection, to promotion, classification, compensation, performance, discipline, training, and separation (layoff/termination/resignation). Also known as personnel file.  This series does not apply to employment information maintained in Banner, Duckweb, MyTrack, or Integrated Data & Reporting (IDR), UO Forms, or DuckDocs.

These records found in all media (paper, digital, or other) may include but are not limited to:

  • employment application - first UO job;
  • employment application - current job;
  • personnel information form;
  • performance appraisals;
  • summary of training completed;
  • letters of commendation/recommendation;
  • notices of disciplinary action;
  • notices of layoff;
  • documentation of resignation;
  • personnel records disclosure form;
  • flexible schedule agreements and/or work time adjustment agreements;
  • related documentation and correspondence, including e-mail.


  1. The employment file should never include any employee medical information. 
  2. Supervisory files records (including 1:1 notes) kept separate from the employment record are considered reference material that  may contain duplicates of items found in the official employment record and must not include any items not in the official employment record. The exception to this rule is notes made by supervisors about the employee’s performance. These notes should be discarded once the performance review has been completed. Supervisory files are not subject to any particular retention, and should be treated consistent with any relevant Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and should never be retained longer than the official employment file. 
  3. With the exception of student employees not covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement, when an employee transfers from one UO department to another, the former hiring unit must transfer the employment record using secure methods, to the new hiring unit.  If the position was covered by a CBA, then the former hiring unit must review the employment record before the transfer. They should ensure any items meeting the retention period mentioned in the CBA are removed and securely disposed of before the transfer.  
  4. Records of childcare centers employees must conform with additional requirements specified in OAR 414-300-0060, which describes information the employer is required to maintain as part of the personnel record.  
Retention and Disposal Instructions

(a) 3 years after termination of employment with department for student workers not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, purge;

(b) 10 years after separation from UO for all others, except as otherwise provided in collective bargaining agreements, purge.

Exception: In the event of a subpoena, audit, legal hold, public records or similar state or federal information request, halt until further instructed any scheduled disposal activities, including purging or transferring material to University Archives.