Document hours worked and leave hours accrued and taken by university and student employees, including Federal Work-Study. Information may include employee name and other personally identifiable information, work schedule, days and time worked, leave time, and approval signatures.
These records found in all media (paper, digital, or other) may include but are not limited to:
(a) 6 years for official time records submitted to payroll, consistent with UO RRS 503-10-105, unless position is funded in any part by grants and required to support sponsored awards effort reporting, purge;
(b) documentation required to support effort reporting for sponsored awards, 6 years or the time period specified by UO RRS 206-30-405, whichever is longer, purge
(c) 3 years for all other records, purge.
Exception: In the event of a subpoena, audit, legal hold, public records or similar state or federal information request, halt until further instructed any scheduled disposal activities, including purging or transferring material to University Archives.