Document students participating in special education programs and early intervention special education services.
These records found in all media (paper, electronic, or otherwise) may include but are not limited to:
(a) Records documenting speech pathology and physical therapy services: Until student reaches age 21 or 5 years after last seen, whichever is longer;
(b) ESD copies, if program at district level: Transfer records to home district after end of student participation;
(c) Readable photocopies of records necessary to document compliance with State and Federal audits retained by the former educational agency or institution when a student transfers out of district: 5 years after end of school year in which original record was created, purge.
Exception: In the event of a subpoena, audit, legal hold, public records or similar state or federal information request, halt until further instructed any scheduled disposal activities, including purging or transferring material to University Archives.